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We are meant to live in connection
Keynote: 45 min - 1 hour
We've all seen the stories on television but who believes it could actually happen to them: twins born connected. In 2001, Emily Stark, a former beauty queen, and her husband James gave birth to only the 20th set of living pygopagus conjoined twins in the world. What followed was a rollercoaster of gut-wrenching emotions, medical-miracles, financial struggles and a new perspective into what it mean to be truly "connected." In her powerful, riveting, humorous and heartfelt presentation, Emily Stark takes audiences through their ordeal as doctors attempted to separate their young daughters. But moreover, she offers heart-warming examples, humorous anecdotes and thoughtful insights into the connections we all enjoy, foster and build in our lives. From the lifetime connection with family, friends and co-workers, to the connections that are eventually and inevitably broken. To Emily, they all combine to create a life worth embracing.
Keynote Topics:
-Lessons Learned from having conjoined twins
Audiences leave with a new perspective and appreciation for what being truly "connected" to each other can mean in our lives and with a new dedication to fostering those life-affirming connections we all share.
Having shared her story with hundreds of audiences across the country, Emily Stark's comfortable style, self-effacing humor and powerful story-telling has earned her a legion of "connected" fans. Their family's story has been featured on 48 Hours, The CBS Early Show, the Rosie O'Donnell Show, Larry King Live, Connie Chung Show, Phil Donahue, the Discovery Health Channel, Inside Edition, Meghan Kelly Show, and To Tell the Truth Gameshow.