
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in motherhood, health, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Where is my memory?

Why is it that I can not seem to keep tons of information (big and small) in my head anymore. I just want to remember daily events, fun facts, who I spoke to last week, what I am suppose to be doing, etc. Just the daily things...I did a stress test a touch back and one of the questions was 'How many time do you go to get something in another room and when you arrive you have already forgotten what you were going to get?' Seriously, that is one of the most frustrating things I experience. I am getting a ton better because on the way to the other room, I mumble constantly what I am doing and do not look around. Once I make eye contact with a mess, something else that needs to be put away, or the view outside...I have lost my train of thought and I am toast. Okay...perfect example as I typed 'train of thought' I started thinking who and where did that saying come from? See I get sidetracked constantly. Interesting isn't it? I now take notes when I am on the phone so that I can remember something and see it in visual form so it will be remembered. Is there anyone else like me out there?

So I started this blog, as I want to be an author someday. So I figure I better practice and practice. When people read my writing, the humor does not always translate well. Nor does my tangent thought process so I figure this will help. The saying practice makes perfect is what I am seeking. A shocking as this may sound to some, I forget my blog name, hence, the delay in the second posting. I happen to be searching for the secretary of state website and my blog popped up as a previous history item. Memory...can I buy one for ninety-nine cents at the store please?


Do you want me to Aquaphor your shoe?