
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in motherhood, health, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!


I will never be accused of having a writing style that is fruitful, correct and perfect. Writing has never been my strength as a result I avoid it. I know practice makes perfect but truly I do not want to practice and have people judge me. I am creative, clever and always resourceful but strong writer, I am not. So I figured this is the best way to challenge myself to become an amazing writer. I want to become the writer where people can't get enough, want more and leave filled. So here I go with that challenge and goal. Wish me luck!

Book studies, I am not an avid reader (not a shock on why my writing skills lack). So I joined a book club this summer in hopes to read a book this summer. I have a meeting tonight, and ask if I am caught up? Nope. I am only 5 chapter behind. The subject matter is rough so I do not think I can pull off the fake out tonight and do I have time to read five chapter today, no I am working (and tuning my writing skills by writing this blog). I am side tracked and I should at least skim it and I wonder if I should just start in chapter 3 to catch up but will I be lost entirely. Who knows. I feel pushed in a good way and stressed in another. Why do I not read daily? I am trying to instill in my children to read constantly but I have to say I understand why do they not want to read daily, neither do I? Is it because I have not found an area of interest yet that tuned me in or am I not a reader really? I need to instill in the kids to read so by setting the example and reading, wouldn't that be my first step for them? Of course it is, but I am pained at the idea that I have read to be a better writer. I understand the direct relationship but...pained yes, I am.

I am off to work again and wish me luck on the book club meeting tonight as I was planning on stopping at my favorite boutique instead of reading the hour before our meeting...what will I do?

I am tired

Where is my memory?