
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in motherhood, health, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Hockey Mom

For the first time in my life, I have really understood the 'team' sports community  I have a girlfriend who has embraced and thrived in this world for years while I didn't have kids that have wanted to participate in team sports, until this year.  This is the first year that my son is participating in a travel team sport which has opened a door of new friendships and sheer love of watching our team grow and develop.  Team sports teach so many valuable lessons that translate into a good employee later in life.  As we go through this team sport we have loved that not everyone gets rewarded for nothing but rewarded for hard work, sheer drive to achieve and accomplish.  My heart sings with excitement when I know a game is coming up as it is my opportunity to enjoy the other families, thrive watching the team perform and especially satisfying feeling to see my son develop into an actual player.  I could not be more full.

Last week our team only practiced once on the ice and then played in two games over the weekend.  My son early Monday morning asked my husband, "What is our practice schedule look like this week as last week we didn't practice enough."  As my husband have really recognize is the true social nature of our son.  He loves friends.  No two ways about that.  He loves friends.  If he only has one practice a week, he only saw his friends once.  He wants more.  So this week as we have three practices and a game scheduled, I will have a full son.

One aspect of watching our team is perseverance and self -esteem increase.  I absolutely love watching the boys as the encourage each other.  When my son does well, just like clockwork, a team mate comes up and taps him on the head with their glove and says a word or two of encouragement.  Even when my son doesn't perform as desired, a teammate always comes to him and continues to be his cheerleader.  I could not ask for a more supportive environment.

This team has been exceptional for his mind, soul and spirit.

Let's Party Like Girls night

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