
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in motherhood, health, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!




That's my working buddy - as I work - he watches, lays on me and keeps track of my every move. He even occasionally snores.  He is doing exactly what I want to do right now, but I can't.

Sometimes we all bite off too much and I happen to be in that state currently.  What do you do when you have too much on your To Do list or obligations? Some obligations I love and some I could do without.  And so this week my word is 'No'.  

I balance a ton at once naturally - it's just me.  At one point in my life I have 6 income sources and a busy family so I am a juggler by nature.  However, since my mother died, I really have stopped to focus on what I love and want to do - not because I am expected or required to do.  

But as I sit here reflecting, I realize there really is nothing on my to-do or obligation list that I particularly do not want to do - I want to do it all, so then what?

For me, I will wake up earlier - accomplish ore in the same amount of days as I power through a beautiful month of amazing things.  May this week be full of sound studio, social media class, program book proofing, law firm duties, sending of judges books and staying ever so present in these activities.  I pray that I just do not forget to pick up Anderson form school... this week.  Someday I will remember everything, but not this week.

Time is gone... it's junior prom time

Time is gone... it's junior prom time

17 years

17 years