
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in motherhood, health, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Everyone needs a break from things and for me - my break was long from this writing. I have suffered from the fear of not being good enough writer. Yup I have listened to one to many people and as a result it paralyzed me from writing. Here is what I have determined, the only way this will be my craft is by doing it often and consistently so that is where I start today.

I have amazing news to share today in that the girls and I were interviewed on the podcast All the Wiser which has a fundamental thread of goodness for our world along with sharing some of the most incredible stories along its path. We were honored to be part of it. The podcast came out this week. I listened to the girls piece first as the girls were worried that they would be asked ‘what was it like to be conjoined?’ and honestly they were seven months old when they were stuck to their sister so that have no memory of it. So they dreaded the thought of those types of generic questions. But that is not what happen at all - Kimi Culp asked thought provoking questions and dived into getting to know them - as twins, as individuals, as young ladies. What a true gift. Since they were born, some people in the world believe they should have the same personality, the same name, as they are the same person. How irritating that would be? To be your own person but the world wants you to be the same person? Okay, I am sideways.

What I am so proud of is how beautifully spoken the girls were on the podcast. I am proud that they can speak on their feet. I am proud that they are becoming their own individuals. I am a proud mom.

If you have a moment, go listen in the All The Wiser podcast.

Covid Anxiety

Covid Anxiety

Am I turning 50?

Am I turning 50?