
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in motherhood, health, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Lady Dan be quiet

Lady Dan be quiet

Self Talk - here is the Google definition - Self-talk is something you do naturally throughout your waking hours. People are becoming more aware that positive self-talk is a powerful tool for increasing yourself-confidence and curbing negative emotions. People who can master positive self-talk are thought to be more confident, motivated, and productive.

After attending the Rachel Hollis RISE conference last month, I have named my ‘negative internal self talk person’ … Lady Dan. Of course there is a story with the name but that is not something I will share but the meaning for this is to ‘Stop, Drop, shut ‘em down and open up Shop, oh no’ when Lady Dan gets to much court time. Lady Dan needs to stay clear as I am moving forward with writing a book. I want to share the story of the girls and boil it down to the lessons learned as we separated them. Attitude is key in everything. You can only control effort and attitude in each situation and we did just that during that time frame. SO I have reached out to a ghost writer or two, set up writing classes and I am moving forward. Anyone else writing a book?

I am publicly saying/announcing, I will find a ghost writer, literary agent, and publisher. Let’s do this. Sometimes dreams stay on the back burner too long and it’s time to move it to the front and turn up the heat.

Do you listen to your Lady Dan? Why do we allow ourselves to listen and why do we even say these things to ourselves anyway? I choose to ‘Stop, Drop, shut ‘em down and open up Shop, oh no’. Okay, so that is from a DMX song so it is not my lyrics but totally stops me from continuing with the thought. That is the beautiful gift of singing the song lyrics as it pulls your mental thoughts from Lady Dan and triggers the change back to amazing thoughts. So when Lady Dan says you can’t write a book, I will continue to ‘Stop, Drop, shut ‘em down and open up Shop, oh no’. As a side note, once DMX sings that part of the song … its not a wholesome song so beware.

College Hurts

College Hurts

To Tell The Truth

To Tell The Truth