Welp ... That did not work
So I think I was not ready for a all hands on deck change. I am thinking I need to do small steady changes in paying attention to my world as I am absolutely busy. What I did not realize until my sister pointed it out to me is that I have a handful of obligations right now, albeit great things, just a plethora. So when she checked in on me the other day, I stopped to realize I my plate is full and adding a 5 sense challenge to observe things around me is a bit much.
Here is what I realized, my son is playing on three independent hockey teams. This eats my time running him everyday to games or practice and often times 3-5 games a weekend. I am also team manager for one of those teams which I enjoy but its a time commitment.
Then I have two jobs so I play employee and owner hats and often times I am doing both roles in one day.
We are building an offgrid round house in the woods. This is a fun adventure but it is stressful at times as we try to beat the snow that can ruin and expand the wood, learning new skills for me constantly and just trying to learn and understand each step of the way is exhausting.
I got covid. For me this is a big deal in that I have an odd immune condition and the unknown of the condition and the virus was scary. I did not get terrible symptoms and for that fact, I am grateful. The hard part is I can keep getting it over and over. Just like chicken pox, I had chicken pox in kindergarten but I can get it again as I do not produce antibodies. It was a bit of staying away from my family as I did not want this to be passed round and back to me.
I also have a trademark that I own that is a pain to maintain - if you have ever owned a federally register trademark, you know there are obligations that come along with it and sometimes those obligations are a pain in the rear.
Add holiday festivities and my plate is full.
So here is what I did do, I added a walking challenge with my sisters so that I will start to exercise - small easy step to get my weight back in control so I can wear my closet of clothes. That is huge considering I have done nothing physically in quite a bit of time. So yea me! Who knows but self care is on the top of my list and where I am focused.
What are you focused on?
Our property that we are building an off grid round home.